Chapter Twenty

Here we are in chapter 20 and the story of Revelation is fast coming to an end. In this chapter we will witness the last part of God’s judgement before we move on to view the final resting place of the saints in chapters 21 & 22.
There is a strong connection between this chapter and chapter 12 with both chapters appearing to lead into or over lap each other.

Rev 20:1-10   Victory over Satan.
            For the purpose of our study this chapter can be divided into 3 smaller sections:-
1)      The Binding of Satan.
2)      The Reign of the Saints.
3)      Satan is Finally Defeated.

1)  Rev 20:1-3   The Binding of Satan.
a)      An angel.
i)                    “Came down out of heaven.”
Here is another example of this whole story of Revelation being controlled from heaven. The angel came down out of heaven meaning he came from God and he was on a mission sent by God.
ii)                  “Had the key to the abyss.”
This is the abyss or bottomless pit that we saw earlier in Revelation.
                                       “I have the keys of death and of Hades.”
                                    Rev 9:1-11  The bottomless pit is where the ‘locusts’ ascended.
Rev 11:7   “the beast that comes up out of the abyss will make war with them.”
Rev 17:8  “The beast that you saw…is about to come up out of the abyss.”

“Having the key of the bottomless pit:” the abyss or deep, the same out of which the beast ascended, Rev 11:7 17:8. And the key of this becomes no hand so well as his who has the keys of hell and death, Rev 1:18 who has all power in heaven and in earth, and has the power of hell, of opening and shutting it at his pleasure, which is signified by this phase; see Rev 9:1. The Ethiopic version reads, "the key of the sun", where some have thought hell to be; and yet the same version renders the word, the deep, in Rev 20:3.
                                                                                                John Gill’s Expositor – Online Bible.
iii)                Carried a great chain.
This is not a chain to wrap around Satan to completely restrict him from any movement but rather more the idea of a handcuff, similar to how Paul was bound in Acts 28:20. Although his chains restricted Paul in that he was unable to leave his house or travel he was not restricted from carrying out the work of the Gospel.
In a similar way Satan is restricted in that he cannot persecute the church as a whole but can still deceive individual Christians. This means he is still very dangerous and capable of leading a person away from God.

“And a great chain in his hand;” the key in one hand, and the chain in another; by which last is meant, not any material chain, with which spirits cannot be bound, nor indeed sometimes bodies possessed by evil spirits, Mark 5:3,4 but the almighty power of Christ, which he will now display in binding Satan faster and closer than ever.  
John Gill’s Expositor – Online Bible.

b)      Satan is bound.
i)                    The angel “laid hold of the dragon,”
ii)                  Satan is identified by 4 different names.
“The dragon” of Revelation.
“The serpent of old” of Genesis.
“who is the devil”
iii)                He is bound in chains for one thousand years.
This is not to be taken as literally a thousand years.
(See comments below by Roberson and under the “Reign of the saints.)
iv)                He is thrown into the abyss.
The abyss is shut and sealed over him.

“For a thousand years.” Here we confront the same problem found in the 1260 days. In this book of symbols how long is a thousand years? All sorts of theories are proposed, none of which fully satisfy one. Perhaps Peter has given us the only solution open to us in 2 Pet 3:8 when he argues that "one day with the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day." It will help us all to remember that God's clock does not run by ours and that times and seasons and programs are with him. This wonderful book was written to comfort the saints in a time of great trial, not to create strife among them.
                                                            Robertson’s NT Word Pictures – Online Bible.

               What does the binding mean?
The purpose of this binding of Satan is to restrict his movement and activities. In Rev 13:7 we saw that the sea-beast was given the power to make war against the saints. This power came from Satan. Well now that power is going to be restricted or limited.
In Rev 19:1-21 we saw the beginning of this limiting as one by one his helpers were stripped away from him. Now we see Satan standing alone as the angel binds him and restricts his influence upon the world.
With this power taken away Satan can no longer make worldwide persecution against the church but instead is limited in what he can do.

c)       Satan’s release is predicted.
Here is the warning that Satan is not finished yet. After the thousand years is completed he will be released and he will return to deceive the nations again.
                        The binding of Satan is limited in two ways.
            First Satan is limited in what he is able to do and where he is able to go. God now has control over him. We must still realise that even in this restricted condition Satan is still a very real and very dangerous enemy. He is still more than capable of winning our souls, sentencing us to join him eternality in the lake of fire.
            Secondly, this binding is limited in its duration. Satan is only bound during the thousand-year reign, and then as we will see later in this chapter, he will be released to again make total war against God’s people.

2)  Rev 20:4-6   The Reign of the Saints.
Now we come to the thousand-year reign. This is perhaps one of the most misunderstood parts of Revelation. After dealing with a book of symbols and visions many people suddenly take this literally.

Rev 20:4-6 Here is an account of the reign of the saints, for the same space of time as Satan is bound. Those who suffer with Christ, shall reign with him in his spiritual and heavenly kingdom, in conformity to him in his wisdom, righteousness, and holiness: this is called the first resurrection, with which none but those who serve Christ, and suffer for him, shall be favoured. The happiness of these servants of God is declared. None can be blessed but those that are holy; and all that are holy shall be blessed. We know something  of what the first death is, and it is very awful; but we know not what this second death is. It must be much more dreadful; it is the death of the soul, eternal separation from God. May we never know what it is: those who have been made partakers of a spiritual resurrection are saved from the power of the second death. 
                                                            Matthew Henry Concise Commentary – Online Bible.

a)      Who will reign?
i)                    The souls of those who have been beheaded, Christian martyrs, those who have lost their lives for the call of Christ.
ii)                  “Because of the testimony of Jesus.” They suffered and became martyrs because they held to the teaching of Jesus. They didn’t run when persecution came their way, instead they faced whatever Satan threw at them.
iii)                “Because of the word of God.”  In some ways this is a double up on what was just said above. Their witness to God or their witness to Christ is almost the same thing.
iv)                There is another group mentioned here. “those who did not worship the beast or receive his mark”

b)      How long will they reign?
i)                    With Christ.
“and shall reign with Christ for a thousand years.”
We know Christ is up in heaven, therefore those who have received thrones and reign with Him must also be in Heaven. Clearly, when we consider this along with the fact that these are souls of martyrs for Christ, we realise that this is a spiritual reign in Heaven rather than a physical reign on the Earth. (See “The First Resurrection” below.)
ii)                  For one thousand years.
1000 – a most complete number.
Here are some other examples of the use of one thousand to mean completeness, bigness or totality.
 “Twice ten thousand times ten thousand”  The fearful army under the sixth trumpet. The meaning here is ‘bigness’ or a great number.
Pa 50:10   “God owns the cattle on a thousand hills”  The meaning here is that God owns all the cattle, total ownership.
Deut 7:9   “God keeps His covenant and His loving kindness to a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments.”  Not just one thousand generations but all generations.
1 Chron 16:15;   Pa 105:8   “God commanded to a thousand generations.” Again the meaning is total or complete, all generations.

In all of these cases above, none are intended to be taken literally. They all carry the idea of completeness or totality so why should we change this when we come to Revelation chapter 20. In a book full of symbolic themes, pictures and visions, a literal interpretation would be completely out of context with the rest of the book. This means we are therefore forced to apply the symbolic meaning of a period of completeness rather than the literal meaning of a set period of time. When the time is right God will put an end to this reign of the saints and Christ will come.
One interesting side point here is the grammar used in each of these examples. In every case ‘a’ is used instead of the word ‘one.’ This is another important reason why we should consider all of these verses as having similar meanings for the term ‘a thousand.’  
(See also Appendix C Symbolism of Numbers.) 
                        (See also Appendix H Death, Resurrection & Eternity.)

c)      The first resurrection.
Rev 20:4  “they came to life”
These are the martyrs who gave their lives, were beheaded, for Christ. They are the ones who were found to not be wearing the mark of the beast.
Rev 20:5   “the rest of the dead did not come alive until after the thousand years were completed.”
There are two groups here. First there are those who have been chosen by Christ to reign with Him and then there are the rest of the dead who remained dead until its time for judgement. This first group are clearly a very special group who have qualified for their special position by their service to Christ. They suffered for Christ and died for His cause, now they reap their reward.
Isa 2:2   "In the last days the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills,  and all nations shall flow into it"

Will Christ come visibly to reign in person as an earthly monarch? The Bible tells us that the great event of Christ’s coming will be the last event before the great judgment day. This thousand years reign and the overthrow of Satan in his last conflict takes place before Christ’s final return. If Christ, during the millennial period is not visibly present upon the earth, how can he reign? Just as he reigns over each and every person now. Those who know the Lord accept him as their king.
Isa 11:9  "the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters do the channels of the sea"
All men shall hear and have an opportunity obey the gospel, and submit to Christ.
d)      “Blessed and holy”
There are blessings for those who take part in the first resurrection.
i)                    They have nothing to fear of the 2nd death. Rev 20:14-15. The second death is the final state of those who refuse Christ, eternal death. See the section below concerning judgement being given to them.
ii)                  They are the priests of God and Christ. They hold a special position in the kingdom of God that Christ rules over.
iii)                They reign with Christ having their own thrones. Their reign will last until the thousand years are completed.

e)      Judgement was given to them.
“judgment was given unto them” The office of judging was given to them. Though in one sense having to stand before the judgment-seat of Christ, yet in another sense they "do not come into judgment, but have already passed from death unto life."  
                                                Jamieson, Fausset, Brown Commentary – Online Bible.   

How do we fit into the thousand-year reign?
         It’s probably time to explain how this reign of a thousand years fits in with the greater Revelation story and with us in Christ’s kingdom today. Well once Satan was bound we moved into the Christian Age when Christ established His kingdom upon the earth. This is where we are today still under the thousand year reign. This present state will continue until God determines that it is time to being judgement upon mankind.
         This binding of Satan has limited the power that he can extend of those under the protection of God. Satan has not power over those in the realm of God, citizens of His Kingdom, members of His Church unless that individual chooses to return to the world which is still under the power of the Devil. So it is impossible for Satan to take away our salvation unless we  allow him.
         So while those above reign with Christ, those on the Earth live under God's protection while they are alive then after death go to await they resurrection when Christ returns. From here on the Book of Revelation must be considered as unfulfilled prophecy.

3)  Rev 20:7-10   Satan is Finally Defeated.
a)      Satan is released.
When the thousand years of the last section are complete, as promised in Rev 20:3, Satan will be released. This means that he is to be given his former powers again.
b)      He deceives the nations.
i)                    He comes out to deceive the nations.
ii)                  Gog and Magog are included among those nations he gathered.
In Ezekiel 38 & 39 Gog of the land of Magog is the chief of the lands of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal   Ezek 38:2. They will come against Gods people of Israel with a great army gathered from many nations. Ezek 38:14-16. They are utterly destroyed by God Ezek 38:19-23.
Since then in Jewish scripture any nation or nations that oppose God and come up against God’s people were known as ‘Gog and Magog.’

“Gog and Magog” Accusative in explanatory apposition with ‘the nations.’ Magog is first mentioned in Gen 10:2. The reference here seems to be Ezek 38:2, where both are mentioned. Josephus (Ant. I. 6. 1) identifies Magog with the Scythians, with Gog as their prince. In the rabbinical writings Gog and Magog appear as the enemies of the Messiah. Some early Christian writers thought of the Goths and Huns, but Augustine refuses to narrow the imagery and sees only the final protest of the world against Christianity – ‘To gather them together to the war.’ 
                                                                                                Robertson’s NT Word Pictures. 

iii)                Gathered together for war.
iv)                As many as the sands of the seashore.
Almost unlimited, uncountable in number.

c)      Satan’s army surrounds the saints.
“and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city”
i)                    They surround the camp of the saints with the term ‘camp’ symbolising the saints, God’s people, as an army out in the field prepared for battle.
ii)                  They surround the beloved city, which many take to be Jerusalem. This is most likely to be the old Jerusalem rather than the New Jerusalem of Rev 21:2.

iii)                Another idea is that this city could be the opposite to the great city of Babylon. We have seen in our study that Babylon symbolised the organised forces of evil that were assembled against God’s people. Well this ‘beloved city,’ or Jerusalem as it is known, could be God’s people, the church, and organised against the forces of evil.  

d)      Satan’s army is destroyed.
“fire came down from heaven and devoured them”  Remember what happened in Ezek 38:22. This is a common way of showing God’s victory over forces opposed to Him or His people.

The beloved city, the spiritual Jerusalem, the Church, shall be surrounded, but in the day of her extremity the Lord will hear her cry for help. Fire from heaven will descend on her enemies. Christ shall come. "As the lightning flashes from the east unto the west, so shall the coming of the Son of man be" Matt 24:27. Then shall the Lord consume the wicked "with the spirit of his mouth and the brightness of his coming" 2 Thess 2:8. "The day of the Lord shall come, when the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat,  and all its works shall be burned up"  2Peter 3:10.
                                                                        Peoples New Testament Notes – Online Bible.

Here is the Jerusalem problem again. If we hold that the Great Harlot was the city of Rome then it is possible that the city shown here is in fact Jerusalem. If we hold that the Great Harlot was Jerusalem then since the Great Harlot has been cast into the lake of fire the city shown here can not be Jerusalem.

Of course we have the third possibility that this city is neither Rome nor Jerusalem but instead it is the church. This is the more likely possibility because the time when this city is surrounded is at the end of the thousand years, where the city represented by the Great Harlot was before the thousand years reign.
e)      Satan is thrown into the lake of fire.
i)                    “the devil who deceived them” This is Satan the leader of the forces of evil. The master planner behind all who are against God.
ii)                  “is thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone” The lake of fire is the final state of the wicked. Note the text mentions that the beast and the false prophet are already there.
iii)                “to be tormented forever and ever.” This is a place of no return. Those cast into the lake of fire never die but they can never escape either, they are there forever and ever.

“And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire.”  This is Satan's last battle. His time has come. The great deceiver is not cast into the bottomless pit now. The lake of fire is opened, and we discover there the beast and the false prophet, but they have gone whence none ever return. There the devil is cast in and locked up to abide with his allies in wickedness forever. 
Peoples New Testament Notes – Online Bible.
                After the "1000 years" are over, Satan is released for a short time where he once again seeks to "deceive the nations" to persecute the people of God (cf. ; Rev 20:3,8,10).  The mention of "Gog and Magog" is likely an apocalyptic reference to forces of evil at Satan's disposal during this time, not any particular nation or nations.  But the final attempt of Satan is quickly thwarted by the Lord, and the devil is cast into the lake of fire, where the beast and false prophet were (cf. ).  If any section of Revelation pertains to the time just prior to the Lord's final coming, I believe it is this one.  The description is brief, for the book was written for the benefit of Christians in Asia Minor about things to shortly come to pass (cf. Rev 1:1-4; 22:6,10).  These Christians would not experience this last attempt of Satan.  But to assure them (and us!) that Satan would ultimately be defeated, we have the description found in these few verses (7-10).
                                                                        Revelation Notes by Mark Copeland, pg85.

Overview:- The Story So Far.

Let’s look back over the past few visions and place them in context with the overall Revelation story.

1)      We saw the end of Rome in Rev 18 & 19.
2)      Rev 20:1-3 we saw that the powers of Satan were limited.
3)      Rev 20:4-6 The saints then reigned for a thousand years.
(This is the period of time that we are in at present. From this point on the Book of Revelation is prophecy concerning events in the future.)
4)      Rev 20:7-10 Satan is released to gather a great army that he brings against the saints, the church.
5)      God sending fire from heaven destroys this army.
6)      Satan is cast into the lake of fire to join the Sea-beast and the Earth-beast.

From here we move on to Rev 20:11-15, the promised Final Judgement at the end of time, as we know it.
Christ & Eternal Destiny.     
I have called the final section of Revelation ‘Christ and Eternal Destiny.’ This section covers the remainder of this chapter, -15, all of chapter 21 and the first verses of chapter 22, Rev 22:1-5. This section can further be sub-divided into two parts that show a view of the final destiny of both the righteous and the unrighteous.

-15   The Final Judgement.
1)      Who sits on the Throne?
We are not told here but other parts of God’s Word can help us establish whom this is.
11 Cor 5:10  “For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.”
Rom   “For we shall all stand before the judgement seat of God.”
John    “For not even the Father judges anyone, but He has given all judgement to the Son.”
Matt 25:31-46   “But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, …….then He will sit on His glorious throne.”

2)      The Second Resurrection.
a)   All the dead take part in this resurrection. This resurrection refers to everyone from all of history, from both the Old and New Testaments.
“The Sea gave up its dead. Death and Hades also gave up their dead.” Again we see evidence of the total coverage of this resurrection.

b)   Whether great or small or for that matter we can add whether they are righteous or unrighteous. As we saw above no one but those who reigned with Christ will be excluded.

c)   They will all be brought before the Great White Throne of Christ.

3)      The Judgement.
a)   “The books were opened”
Dan    “…..the court sat, and the books were opened.”
John 12:48-50   “the word I spoke is what will judge him at the last day.”
We will be judged by the words of Christ. 

b)      “another book was opened, which is the ‘book of life’”
The book of life is the book we are added to when we are saved and become Christians. Whether there is a real list of each and every person who has been saved or whether this book is a symbolic way of describing the number of the saved I am unsure. The scriptures below add weight to the idea of God keeping a great list or register of those whom are included among the saved.

Acts   “And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.”
We are added to the book of life at the point at which we are saved, the moment of baptism. But our name being found in the book of life does not necessarily mean that it will always stay there.
Ps 69:28  “May they be blotted out of the book of life, and may they not be recorded with the righteous.”
Those who stray from the truth and join the ranks of the unrighteous will of course not be saved and just as their names were added their names can also be removed from the book of life.
Rev 3-20:15  “if anyone’s name is not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.”
When we stand before the throne of judgement only those who are found in the book of life will be saved and will receive the gift of the New Jerusalem.

c)       “and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds.”
In Matt 25:31-46 Jesus lays this out very clearly. Jesus sees our deeds towards our fellow men as being deeds towards Him. If we fail those around us in providing help when they are in need we fail Jesus. In Matt 25 he makes it very clear if we do not stand by Him in our walk upon the earth He will not stand by us when we come to enter heaven. 
II Thess 2:10-12  “So that they all may be judged, who had no faith in what is true, but took pleasure in evil.”
“And whosoever was not found written...was cast into the lake of fire.” Into the same lake of fire,  that prison house to which have gone the false prophet and the beast,  to which has been consigned the dragon,  "that old serpent the devil" Rev 12:9 20:2,  the "eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels" Matt 25:41. There shall also be banished those whose "names are not written in the book of life" Rev 13:8 17:8.
                                                            Peoples New Testament Notes – Online Bible.

            4)   Deaths & Resurrections Explained.
            There is often confusion concerning the two deaths and two resurrections mentioned in Revelation so let’s take a moment to look at them.
                        a)   The First Death.
Everyone receives this. This is our physical death; that is one of the few appointments in life that we all keep.

b)      The First Resurrection.
Only the saints who lost their physical lives in the cause of Christ receive this. These chosen few are the ones who will reign with Christ during the thousand-year reign.

c)       The Second Resurrection.
After the thousand years has been completed, all the rest of the dead, the rest of mankind will receive this resurrection then go on to face the final judgment.

d)      The Second Death.
Finally comes the second death for those whose names are not found in the book of life. The second death is also known as the lake of fire.

                                          See Appendix H:- Death, Resurrection and Eternity.