What is New on this Site?

          Due to other projects it has been a long time since I have looked at this study. This evening I had a good look through it again and I have made a list of areas I need to complete and other areas which could be improved. I have decided to try to put aside one night per week for working on this study. Keep returning to this post as I will be updating it regularly to tell you what is new, changed or has recently been completed.

21st May 2018.      Chapter One.
       Notes on the idea that the angel who gave Revelation to John was Gabriel.

16th April 2018.      Introduction to the Study of Revelation.

        I have revised and added to my notes on the title of Revelation. 

3rd Sept 2017.       Appendix H - Death, Resurrection and Eternity.
        I keep coming back to this page as I learn more and have extra to add. This time I've added a couple of scriptures regarding the second coming of Christ.

August 2017
        I have continued to work on various pages doing formatting work and correcting spelling and grammar. Its slow work but I believe I'm getting there. 

July 25th 2017       Chapter Twenty.
        I've added a better explaination as to how we, those still living on the Earth during this present age, fit in with the thousand year reign.  

Through July      
        I've been working on formatting problems in various parts of this blog. I've also been changing text to the new colours whenever I could.

July 16th 2017       Appendix C - Symbolism of Numbers, Colours and Animals.
        I've added more explaination text to this page as well as correcting font and formatting.

July 9th 2017.         Chapter One.
        I've rewritten my introduction to Rev 1:12-18 Description of the Son of Man Christ). This does not change my original meaning but adds extra detail about how Jesus took on the form of a man and after His work on earth was done, returned to His Father.

June 26th, 2017.      Appendix A - A Brief Survey of the Book of Revelation.      
        I've given this page a make over. All the chapter headings have become links. Some formatting to correct text problems and the new colours added. I've also taken time to go over and make some minor changes to the various sections, wording them better and adding a few bits too.

June 20th, 2017.    
       The blog make-over didn't get very far as we became bogged down in some serious formatting problems caused when we copied my old MS Word files here. I hope to eventually get these fixed but it takes a lot of coding word to do so.

June 20th, 2017.      Appendix H - Death, Resurrection and Eternity.
       I've been in some studies on this subject and came up with a different way of seeing things. Some changes have been made on this page and you can expect more in the next few weeks.

Aug 12th, 2016.      Appendix H - Death, Resurrection and Eternity.
        I have give this appendix a work-over, changing the colour of all the Bible Ref., Adding links to other pages of this study and rewording some sections.   

June 5th, 2016.       Introduction to the Study of Revelation.         Chapter One.
        I have finally settled on the colours for links, Bible references,  and Bible quotes.
              Links: - Chapter One.    (Blue)
              Bible References: - Phil 2:6-11  (Purple)
              Bible Quotes:“Walks among the seven golden lamp stands.”  (Red - Italic.)
              Overview:-  Overview notes stepping back to take in the big picture.   (Brown.)
        Introduction & Chapter One have been changed to this new formatting system.

May 28th, 2016.      Chapter Thirteen.   Hope & Encouragement  Rev 13:9-10.
        I've re-written this small section taking into count how it is translated in more recent Bible versions. The meaning and message hasn't changed.

Apr 21st, 2016.       Chapter Seven. Under Rev 7:1-3 The four Angels.
       A short discussion on the concept sealing against the forces of God's wrath sent bring judgement upon unrighteous people. Comparing the Passover of Exodus with the four winds held back by the four angels.  

Mar 20th, 2016.      Chapter Three. under Theories Concerning the Seven Churches.
       Added an explanation of the letters being intended both for specific churches and for the church as a whole. A number of minor changes have been made in this section too.

Mar 6th, 2016.      Chapter One. v4 under the heading Grace & Peace.
       I've added a paragraph looking at the Peace of God as seen in Phil 4:4-9. Looking at the idea that the peace mentioned here is not peace between men but 'Peace between Man & God'.

Mar 1st, 2016.       Introduction to the Study of Revelation.
       I have completed editing this page with reference scriptures in red, scripture quotes in pink and links to other parts of the study in blue. Eventually the entire study will be like this.

Feb 21, 2016        Chapter One.  v6  under heading Rev 1:4-6 The Holy Trinity.
       In the section on points identifying Jesus Christ I have added the seventh point that Jesus has made us to be a priesthood. This shows that once again the number seven has been used to highlight the special importance of Jesus Christ in this book.

Feb 2, 2016.        Chapter One.  v13 Under heading "Description of the Son of Man."
        Phil 2:6-11 Another view of the contrast of between the Christ found in the Gospels and the Christ found in the Book of Revelation.

Jan 31, 2016.       A New Look!
        I have not visited this blog for a long time. It looked a bit tired and in need of the coat of paint so I gave it a make-over. Tried to get it looking a bit more interesting. I going to try and do some improvement to this blog each week.



  1. Like the new look. Nice colours. Julie

  2. So is this going to be an on-going improvement program Allan. I hope so as there is a lot of work to complete it. But looks great so far and the new colours - wow!

  3. Thanks Julie and Brian.
