Appendix C – Symbolism of Numbers, Colours and Animals

Symbolism of Numbers, Colours & Animals.

Symbolism of Numbers.
            The inner or symbolic significance of numbers is an important part of Apocalyptic Literature. In this type of literature we see numbers used where words are normally used so that certain numbers come to suggest definite concepts. In the study of the Book of Revelation, we must discard our mathematical ideas and seek out the symbolic meanings. A large number of the unscriptural interpretations of the past and present are based upon a false view of the value of numbers. 

a)      “No. 1” – A single object. The idea of unity of independent existence.
When it is rounded up to 10 or multiples of 10, e.g. 1,000 the number stands of completeness or total number.  See notes on the number 5 or 10.

b)      “No. 2” – Two are far more stronger or effective than one.
The idea of strength or courage.

c)      “No. 3” – Man found love at home – father, mother and children.
The number ‘3’ came to stand for family.
In the book of Revelation there is also the meaning of the divine family
i)  The God-head – God, Jesus and The Holy Sprit.
ii) There is also the idea three suggests God is the beginning, the middle and the end of everything - an expression of God's eternity (past, present and future)

d)      “No. 4” – The world, the earth. To man the world was flat with four boundaries – North, South, East and West. There were four winds (see Rev 7:1-3) The cities man lived in had four walls. Four came to stand for the world man lived in.
              Time was reckoned by four phases of the moon. The year is divided into four seasons. Four then is the earth number, the number of the physical universe, the number of humanity.

e)      “No. 5 & 10” – Human completeness. Abstract completeness.  In Revelation five is doubled to 10.
A man had 10 fingers (five on each hand) and 10 toes (five on each foot) etc.
In Revelation 10 is multiplied to symbolizes “ultimate completeness.”
            7 x 10 = 70.     10 x  10 = 1,000. 
                          See notes on the number 1.
See also examples of this below.

f)        “No. 6” – Imperfection, failed to measure up.
Evil (See below 666)

g)      “No. 7” – The most perfect number to the Hebrews. The number of salvation, the number of the Savior in Revelation.
4 The world plus 3 the divine = 7 It appears most likely that the meaning here is 'man joined to God' or 'man saved by God. Jesus himself is both God and man, the number seven. The purpose of his coming down to earth was in re-joining men with God, another seven.
       7 is used 54 times in the book of Revelation. There are seven spirits, seven lamps, seven churches, seven stars, seven trumpets etc.

h)      “No. 12” – Organized Religion. The symbolic meaning - 'All of God's people.'
        For the Jews, twelve was the symbolic number of their religion. The twelve sons of Jacob founded the twelve trips of Israel. Moses set up twelve pillars, there were twelve jewels in the breastplate of the High Priest, twelve cakes of showbread, twelve spies, twelve memorial stones, twelve officers of Solomon, twelve prophets, twelve stones in Elijah's altar, twelve Apostles, twelve gates to the New Jerusalem - the Heavenly City etc.
       The Bible always mentions 12 tribes of Israel even though more can be found by comparing various lists. There were 12 Apostles but Paul, also an Apostle, made 13.

i)        “No. 3½” – Half of seven. Unfulfilled – incomplete.

Examples of Symbolic Numbers.
Below are some examples from our study showing the use of symbolic numbers in Revelation.

Seven – The most perfect number.
The book of Revelation is built around a system of “sevens.” There were seven letters to seven churches, seven blessings, seven seals, seven trumpets, etc.
            The number seven is used 12 times in chapter one, six of those are found in verse 20. Throughout the Book of Revelation seven can be found 54 times.
            The number seven was quite conspicuous throughout the rest of the Bible as well. The Sabbath was the seventh day. The Levitical system of the Old Testament was built on a cycle of sevens. Jericho fell after seven priests, with seven trumpets, marched around the city walls for seven days, then on the seventh day blew their trumpets seven times. Naaman dipped himself in the River Jordon seven times before he was healed. The Bible begins with the Seven days of Creation and ends with Revelation, the book of sevens.
            Seven is also conspicuous in our every day life too. There are seven days in the week. There are seven notes in music. There are also seven colours in the rainbow. Used as much as it is, we can see that the number seven has special significance above and beyond its numerical value. Symbolically it stands for completeness, fullness, totality.

The 144,000.  The number of the sealed.
John did not see the sealing or count them himself, he only heard. A hundred and forty and four thousand, the number is symbolical and is not meant to be a considered as the complete number of those who had been sealed. The number stands for perfection or completeness rather than a true value. The stress here is on ‘none are missed who should be sealed.’

Lets break this number down. 144,000 this is the number of the sealed.
144,000 = 12 x 12 x 1000

12 – symbolical of god operating in the world, organized religion.
12 x 12 = 144  12,000 out of each of 12 tribes.

5 + 5 = 10 – Human completeness, 10 fingers & 10 toes.
10 x 10 x 10 = 1,000 symbolical of the most complete number. 

So when God wanted a number to express the total redeemed or the total who were saved he chose 144,000.

666 – The mark of the Beast.
Without the name or number of the beast on their foreheads they are unable to buy or sell or trade. This mark is the symbol of who the people follow and worship. Like the seal given to the saints in chapter 7 this mark is a symbolic rather than a real mark but the persecutions and restrictions placed on those without this mark were very real and very sever.
The number 666 has been misused more than any other part of God’s word the Bible.
We can establish that whereas ‘7’ is a perfect number according to the Jews the number ‘6’ was considered to be imperfect. How we get the number ‘666’ is impossible to say although the text hints that it could be something such as the sum of the letters in the beast’s name. The meaning of this number has probably been lost to modern man. 
Time of persecution.
42 months – Symbolic time not a literal time.
 “A thousand two hundred and threescore days”; 1260 days, the same as "forty and two months," Rev 11:2, reckoning thirty days to a month.
42 months of 30 days to the month is 1260 days.
42 months is 3½ years – “time, times and half a time.”
42 months – Persecution   Rev11:2;  Rev 13:5
1260 days – Victory    Rev 11:3;  Rev 12:6.
  years – Protection   Rev 12:14   Dan 7:25.

The same time given different meanings by being stated in different ways.

The Thousand Year Reign.
            For one thousand years. 1000 – a most complete number.
            1 x 10 = 10.  10 x 10 = 1,000.
Here are some other examples of the use of one thousand years to mean completeness, bigness or totality.
 “Twice ten thousand times ten thousand”  The fearful army under the sixth trumpet. The meaning here is ‘bigness’ or a great number.
Ps 50:10   “God owns the cattle on a thousand hills”  The meaning here is that God owns all the cattle, total ownership.
Deut 7:9   “God keeps His covenant and His loving kindness to a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments.”  Not just one thousand generations but all generations.
1 Chron 16:15;   Ps 105:8   “God commanded to a thousand generations.” Again the meaning is total or complete, all generations.

In these cases above, none are intended to be taken literally. They all carry the idea of completeness or totality so why should we change this when we come to Revelation chapter 20. In a book full of symbolic themes, pictures and visions, a literal interpretation would be out of context with the rest of the book. This means we are forced to apply the symbolic meaning of a period of completeness rather than the literal meaning of a set period of one thousand years. When the time is right God will put an end to this reign of the saints and Christ will come.
One interesting side point here is the grammar used in each of these examples. In every case ‘a’ is used instead of the word ‘one.’ This is another important reason why we should consider all of these verses as having similar meanings for the term ‘a thousand.’
“For a thousand years.” Here we confront the same problem found in the 1260 days. In this book of symbols how long is a thousand years? All sorts of theories are proposed, none of which fully satisfy one. Perhaps Peter has given us the only solution open to us in 2 Pet 3:8 when he argues that "one day with the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day." It will help us all to remember that God's clock does not run by ours and that times and seasons and programs are with him. This wonderful book was written to comfort the saints in a time of great trial, not to create strife among them.
                                                            Robertson’s NT Word Pictures – Online Bible.

Symbolism of Colours.
            White – Purity, victory.
                                      The hair of the son of man – “white like wool, like snow.”
                                      “a white stone” a winner, freedom, victory.
                                    Rev 6:1-2   “a white horse” victory.
                                    -17   The Victorious Christ. White – purity & victory.
                                    Rev 20:11-15  “a white throne.”  Purity of the one who sits in it.
            Purple – Royal. 
                                    Rev 17:1-6  “was clothed in purple and scarlet.”
            Red, Scarlet – Blood.
                                    Rev 6:3-4  “Red horse”  idea of danger & blood.
                                    Rev 12:3   “a great red dragon.”
                                    Rev 17:1-6   “was clothed in purple and scarlet.”
                                                         “siting on a scarlet beast.”
            Black – Death or Hades, evil.
                                    Rev 6:5-6   “a black horse.”  The forerunner of death.
            Livid – Dead.
                                    Rev 6:7-8   “a livid horse.”  Death.

Symbolism of Animals.
            Domesticated animals represent God’s people. Examples are: -
                        The Lamb – Jesus.
                                    Rev 5:5-7   “I saw a lamb”  This is Christ.
                        The Four Living Creatures – Man, Lion, Bull, Eagle.
                                    Rev 4:6-9   “four living creatures.”  Cherubim guarding the throne of God.

            Wild, untameable animals represent Satan’s evil forces. Examples are: -
                        The Dragon – Satan.
                                    Rev 12:3-4;  Rev 12:7-9;   Rev12:13-17.
Rev 13:1  “and he stood on the sand of the seashore” referring to the dragon in chapter 12.
                        The Sea Beast – Rome the civil/military power.  
Rev 13:1-8;  Rev 17:3;  .
                        The Earth Beast – Rome the religion.  
Rev 13:11-18;   .
                        The Great Harlot – Rome/Jerusalem an immoral city.  
Rev 17:1-6 & 18.
                        The Locusts – Demons lead by Satan.   
Rev 9:1-11
Note that often the animals of apocalyptic literature take on a unreal appearance due to their being made up of a variety of symbolic ideas. These mixtures of ideas are more concerned with the qualities or character of the animal rather than the physical appearance.

           This symbolism also extended to body parts. Some examples are: -
                       Horns - Rev 5:6  "a Lamb standing, as if slain, having seven horns and seven eyes"
                                    Rev 13:1  "a beast coming up out of the sea, having ten horns"
                                    Rev 13:11  "another beast coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb" 
                                    The power of a king or ruler.
                       Eyes - Rev 1:14   "and His eyes were like a flame of fire"
                                  Knowledge or discernment.
                       White hair - Rev 1:14  "white like wool, like snow"
                                  Great age - eternal existence or divine purity.
                       Mouth - Rev 1:16  "out of His mouth came a sharp two-edged sward"
                                  Speaking or word.

1 comment:

  1. This page explains so much. I heard you talking about numbers in class but now I realise their symbolic means are so important to our study.
    I really enjoying our study. You are a good teacher. Very unusual way of looking at this Book of Revelations.
    See you in class tomorrow Alice Woo.
